Movement is Medicine!

Exercises Tips For Parkinson's and Atypical Parkinson's Conditions

Movements getting smaller? Focus on BIG and POWERFUL Movements

Goal: move bigger, open up body, take big steps, reach high/far


1) Large step forward with reach overhead

2) Sit to stand with reach overhead

Moving Slow? Increase Dopamine Production with High Intensity Exercises

Goal: working at around 7 or 8 out of 10 intensity OR use a heart rate monitor (should be around 75-85% of heart rate max)


1) Boxing/ Kickboxing

2) Jumping Jacks

3) Jumping up in place

4) Biking intervals (fast, slow)

5) Walking intervals (fast, slow)

Stiff or Rigid? Focus on Flexibility

Goal: be limber, not get stiff, improve overall body motion


1) Seated: turn body left and right

2) Seated: reach down and up

3) Standing: twist chest and reach

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